SPM Instrument presents Leonova Emerald
SPM Instrument, Sweden, today announces the launch of Leonova Emerald®, a new data collector in the Leonova line of portable instruments and sibling to the Leonova Diamond® released in October, 2012.
Leonova Emerald® comes with the patented and award-winning SPM HD® measuring technique for condition monitoring of rolling element bearings. Capable to reliably measure machine condition in the 1-20.000 RPM range, the method brings to light machine problems which are impossible to monitor with traditional vibration measurement techniques.
Alongside SPM HD®, Leonova Emerald® also offers highly sophisticated vibration analysis capabilities. The instrument boasts an excellent signal-to-noise ratio and provides razor-sharp spectrums even where signals are weak and low in energy content. The 0 to 20 KHz frequency range covers most needs in practical vibration measurement. For corrective maintenance, dynamic balancing can be added to the instrument as an optional module.
Stefan Lindberg, Managing Director of SPM Instrument, comments on the introduction of the new instrument: "Leonova Emerald® is a data collector engineered for performance. The full range of sophisticated measuring techniques with supporting diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities makes it the perfect frontline tool for industrial maintenance."
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