Umeå Energi chooses condition monitoring equipment from SPM
Umeå Energi has signed a contract with SPM Instrument for condition monitoring equipment for its combined power and heating plants Dåva 1 and 2 and other production facilities.
Public utility company Umeå Energi, located in Västerbotten in northern Sweden, operates in energy production and communication, offering district heating, district cooling, electricity, broadband, and cable TV. In addition to the production of electricity in the two combined power and heating plants Dåva 1 and 2, Umeå Energi also operates wind power facilities. The energy is delivered to private and business customers across Sweden.
For some years, condition monitoring at Umeå Energi has been carried out using other measuring techniques, then the decision was taken in conjunction with building the new power and heating plant Dåva 2 to install equipment and technique from SPM and to go back to using that also on other production facilities.
The order comprises the portable version of the Intellinova online system and measuring units Leonova Infinity and VibChecker. The equipment will be used by the External maintenance group on all production units.
Kjell Gidlund, Preventive Maintenance Inspector, comments: "After a few years of not using SPM we're back, taking a new grip on condition monitoring. As the new power and heating plant was delivered with SPM measurement and our windpower units also utilize this technique, it was only natural for us to return to using SPM. By using the same technique in all our facilities, we feel we reach a greater and wider competence, which is a development for the company as well as for staff members. Moreover, great service and flexibility made SPM a simple choice."